Friday, March 7, 2008

Kirkland Trail Mix

O Kirkland, maker of affordable paper towels and surprisingly good vodka, how you have fallen!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Lamb of God

Is there a better way to demonstrate how un-metal you are than to display an extremely poor font choice in your logo? Honestly, I'd rather have the bloody splatters and gothic spikes that metal bands seem to like so much. But no, we are treated to a close-up look at all the "eroded" and "distorted" edges of the font, accentuated by a black outside stroke.

Note, especially, the delightfully un-jagged extension from the middle stroke of the "m" in "lamb."

Arizona Tea

We might as well start off with a not-so-atrocious sample. I must say, I rather have a predilection towards Arizona Tea. I never noticed before that they utilize Papyrus in their packaging. At least it's done fairly tastefully, and furthermore, doesn't comprise the logo itself. The best thing about this use of Papyrus is that it doesn't look like Papyrus.